Class V English Grammar with Seen Unseen


প্রাথমিক পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি
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Tahmid Sir English Teaching Home

Special Model Test-1


Class- V, Subject – English


Full Marks: 100                                                                                             Time: 2 Hours

Read the text and answer the questions 1,2,3 and 4

A long time ago, when Raju was in Class 5, there was a fire in his school. Everyone was very afraid, but no one panicked. The teachers helped the students to leave the building quietly and safely. Soon the firefighters came and put out the fire. Raju watched the firefighters from the school yard. He thought about  the fire and the firefighters for a long time. After college, Raju joined a volunteer fire department. As a volunteer, he didn’t get any money for his work. But Raju didn’t mind.

Now Raju is a full-time firefighter. It is his job, so he earns money for it. Most of the time his work is putting out fires, but he also teaches new firefighters about safety. He likes teaching very much. In his fire time, Raju visits schools. He talks to students about fire safety. He tells them what to do if there is a fire. They shouldn’t panic. They should listen to their teachers and leave the building quietly.

Q.1: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word the box. There are more words than you need.                                                                                                                                      1x5=5

           Joined, works, what, volunteer, firefighter to extinguished

            a) As a ______, Raju didn’t get any money for his work.

b) He _____ a volunteer fire department.

c) The firefighters ____ the fire soon.

d) ____ put out fires is Raju’s main job.

e) He tells students _____ to do if there is a fire..

Q.2: Write ‘True’ for correct statement or ‘False’ for incorrect statement.                 1x6=6

a) The students were afraid to see the firefighters.

b) Now Raju is a part-time firefighter.

c) He gets pleasure for his job.

d) He completed Higher secondary examination.

e) If there is a fire, we should keep our cool.

f) Raju always visits school.

Q.3: Answer the following questions.                                                                

a) Why were the students very afraid?                                                                                  2         

b) What did Raju do after colleg                                                                                           2

c) What is the main work of Raju as a full-time firefighter?                                                2

d) Where does he visit often? What does he tell the students?                                             2

e) Who does he train?                                                                                                             1

f) What type of job is firefighting? Write two qualities of a firefighter.                               3         

Q.4:  Write a short composition on “A Fire Accident you have witnessed.”                   10

Read the text and answer the questions 5, 6, 7 and 8.

It  was a hot summer day. A crow was very thirsty. He flew from one place to another in search of water. But there was not a drop of water anywhere. All the ponds and ditches had dried up. The crow flew a long distance and was tired. Suddenly, he saw a pitcher under a tree. The crow flew down and sat on the pitcher. He looked into the pitcher. The pitcher had a little water. But the crow could not reach it. He dropped them into the pitcher. Soon the water came up to the mouth of the pitcher. The crow drank the water and flew away happily.

         Nervous, thirsty, search, around, inside, water, drinking

Q.5: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the box. There are more words than you need.                                                                                                             1x5=5

a)     The crow felt_____.

b)     He flew here and there in  ____ of water.

c)     He flew a long distance for _____.

d)     He looked_____ and saw some peoples.

e)     After ____, he flew away happily.

Q.6: ‘True’ or ‘False’                                                                                                    1x6=6

a) The crow was exhausted because of thirst.

b) The crow was searching for a safe place.

c) There was a pitcher in a house.

d) The pitcher contained a little water.

e) The water level was beyond his reach.

f) At last, the crow showed a good presence of mind.

Q.7: Answer the following questions.                                                                      2x5=10         

a) How was the day? How did the crow feel?

b) Why did the ponds and ditches dry?                                                               

c) Why did the crow fail to reach the water?

d) How did the crow become successful? Write in two sentences.

e) What lesson do you learn from the story.                                                                   

Q.8: Write a letter to your cousin about “ how a thirsty crow saved his life in the end.”                                                                                                                                   10

Q.9: Framing wh questions.                                                                                        2x5=10

a) My doctor says I should eat.

b) Raju is a full-time firefighter.

c) The animals lived peacefully in the forest.

d) Saikat’s father is banker.

e) Sima felt sick and weak.

Q.10: Read the instructions about making a vegetable garden and then answer the following questions.                                                                                          1+2+3=6

To Get Well Soon 

  • Eat foods that give your body energy.
  •  Stay at home
  • Don’t go to school or work
  • Drink a lot of water or juice.
  • Cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing
  • Use tissue
  • Use your own plate, glass and cup

a)     What should you drink, if you have flu?                                                                       

b)     Why should you use your own plate, glass and cup?

c)     What will you do if you have flu?


Q.11: Re-arrange the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.                                                                                                                                                2x5=10

a) in, in, a, Dhaka, Shefali, flat, lives

b) do, begin, the, what, did, lion, to

c) father, ask, your, you, help, to

d) for, hour, he, an, slept

e) school, is, for , she, school .                                                                                          

Q.12: Here is a schedule of your weekdays activities. Write the name of the days when you do these activities. Saturday is the first day of the week.                       5                                                                                             

Days of the week



Playing football


Reading story books


Playing chess


Going to market


Working in the garden


Visiting relative house

Q. 13: Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences:                        

a) What does Babul’s uncle do?                                                                                        1

b) Why does Babul become very happy?                                                                          2

c) Why was Babul on the bed?                                                                                          2

d) Why should you use sandals in the toilet?                                                                    2

e) What should you do to remain fit and healthy? Write in three sentences.                    3


                         Md. Tahmidul Haque

Lecturer, Dept of English

D.K.B.U. Degree College,

Boholi, Sirajganj.

Contact No: 01724-240735


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